Our mission is to ensure seamless connectivity and unmatched customer experiences through expertise and dedication.

Firstly confirm the customer username & name .

Check customer status is Login Or Logout on Portal .

A] If customer is showing logout then please ask below things .
  1. Customer connection is Fiber connection or Ethernet Connection
  2. Send a whatsapp message to customer from Our Whatsapp Number and ask for a 10 sec video of router light indications .
B] If customer is showing Login then please ask check below things 
  1. Firstly logout customer from portal and check customer is getting login or not .
  2. If customer is getting online then ask customer to reboot his router and check the internet connection .
  3. If internet connection works after router reboot then Good .
  4. If internet connection will not work after router reboot then please Send a whatsapp message to customer from Our Whatsapp Number and ask for a 10 sec video of router light indications .